Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Administrators' Desk logo



New reporting button coming to all district websites:

We just wanted to update you on some planned changes to the idea of adding a “Helping Hand” button to all of our district sites as a reporting tool through our Enough is Enough program.

After discussion with the KCKPD, KCKPS PD, and our social workers, we feel it will be best for the district to add a button to all of our sites that will link people to the P3 app.

P3 is an app that has been around for some time and is supported by the district, it is in our Parent Handbook, and is also the app the Kansas City, Kansas Police Department uses with the general public.

With doing this, the KCKPD plans to work more closely with our district and our social workers when reports specific to our students and their needs start coming in. This is also a way for us to not recreate the wheel.

Here is additional information on the app:  https://kckps.org/community-information/p3-tips-app/ .

Curriculum & Instruction

ATTN: Early Childhood and Elementary School Principals 

RE: Fountas & Pinnell Classroom Text Review Cadre

Please share this application for cadre work with ALL EC – 3rd grade teachers. The scope of the work is outlined in the application along with information regarding compensation. Applications are due Wednesday, March 3rd. 

ATTN: EC & Elementary School Principals

RE: Amplify Virtual Symposium – Built for These Times: Making the Shift to the Science of Reading

Amplify is hosting a free virtual symposium March 4th from 10:00am to 4:00pm CST. Speakers include Dr. Louisa Moats, Natalie Wexler, Dr. LaTonya Goffney, Dr. Carolyn Strom, Dr. Pamela Snow, DeJunne’ Jackson, Dr. Bruce McCandliss, Margaret Goldberg and Lani Mednick (The Right to Read Project), Dr. Jan Hasbrouck, Dr. Todd Davis (Aldine I.S.D.), and Janise Lane (Baltimore County Public Schools). If you cannot attend live, those who register will receive access to the recordings. This is a free opportunity for administrators, instructional coaches, and teachers who are interested. If you have any questions, please email allison.rice@kckps.org 

ATTN:  EC – 5 Principals  

RE: Elementary Module 3 Mandatory Dyslexia Training 

The resources for the KSDE/KCKPS Mandatory Dyslexia Module 3 (last module of this year’s dyslexia series) was posted to Canvas on February 19.  It is recommended that this module be provided for teachers through PLC or building PL prior to Spring Break. 

Attendance/completion for this professional development should be recorded in Frontline by the IDP rep in each individual building after teachers complete the training and the exit slip.   

Frontline and exit slip completion records are used as data for KSDE.  

This is the Canvas link to enroll for Module 3. This provides: 

  • Recorded professional learning session for Module 3 
  • Participant Google slides.  These slides must be accessed from the KCKPS Google account and all participants will be asked to make their own copy of the slides in order to take notes and access links during the recorded training session.  The required exit slip (used for attendance/completion) at the end of the training. 

Please contact Tracy Cooper (tracy.cooper@kckps.org) with any questions. 

ATTN: All Principals

RE: Student-Centered Coaching Reminder

Just a reminder that instructional coaches will participate in Session 6 with Leanna Harris on Thursday, February 25th from 8:30 – 10:00. Principals are highly encouraged to attend. 

SESSION 6: Strategies for Reflective Dialogue

  • Explore the qualities of effective listening
  • Understand the difference between clarifying and probing questions

Homework for coaches: 



Meeting ID: 860 4918 2466

Passcode: Kckps

As a reminder, all information and resources for these sessions is also available in the Canvas course ~ enroll here.


  • This is a reminder that the FastBridge winter window closes on Feb. 26.
  • Please indicate your Interim #3 testing decisions by Feb. 26 as well.  As a reminder the testing window is from 3/8 – 3/19, but that last week of the window is our spring break.


KELPA Assessment Update:

DOUBLE SCORING To meet federal reporting requirements, the KELPA program is required to get second rater scores for some students. A random sample of students in each district will be selected for a rater-agreement study. Students selected for the study will be double scored independently, depending on the scoring methods used in each individual school district. Scoring method for writing and speaking item also need to be entered into Kite educator portal.

  • Student responses selected for double scores need to have two scores that are independent of each other. That is, the two scores for a given item response need to be assigned by two independent scorers.
  • Scorers who participate in a pair/group scoring calibration activity and shared their thoughts on their scores assigned to a student response should NOT be considered as two independent scores.
  • Whenever possible, assign scorers using the same scoring method for the two scores. Rosters of students needing to be double scored are prepopulated in the Kite Educator Portal with an additional tab for the second score, called Second Rater. The list of students requiring a second rater for KELPA is now available to view in the KITE Educator Portal.
    • There are two options to view the list of students that need a second rater:
      • 1st Option: Log into Kite Educator Portal> KELPA> Scoring> My Scoring> Second Rater OR
      • 2nd Option:
  1. Go to Reports > Data Extracts > find the row for the Monitor Scoring extract and click New File.
  2. Fill in necessary dropdowns to get the file at the level of your choosing and click Ok
    1. Note: At the district level you can choose to run the extract for the entire district or a specific school.
  1. Click on the CSV icon and open the file
  2. Find the column for “Second Rater” (N)
  3. Students who have been flagged as requiring a second rater will be noted as “Yes”
  • KCKPS students needing double scored can be found on this spreadsheet. Districts that currently upload scores into Kite Educator Portal will use an updated spreadsheet where two scores for each student can be uploaded to Kite Educator Portal.

Human Resources

Transfer Window for Certified Staff 
The following information is being mailed out to all certified staff regarding the transfer window. Please join us during the HR Power Hour on Thursday, February 25 from 9:30 am – 10:30 am for additional details and to receive answer to any questions you may have.
Passcode: vMg3eP
The transfer window will be open from March 1, 2021 – April 2, 2021 
To be eligible for transfer, staff must:
Be a certified staff
Completed 3 years or more of service in KCKPS by the start of the 2021-2022 School Year
Have an active license for the position content/grade level you are requesting
To apply for a transfer:
Set TalentEd account to internal (instructions located in the FAQ)
Submit application
For more information and to view FAQs please visithttps://kckps.org/transfer-faq/

Instructional Technology

KCKPS Mobile Minute – Canvas learning, Minecraft EDU and more!

Student Services

SIT Coordinator Training 

Our building SIT coordinators will be continuing their monthly training on February 25th from 3-4pm. This month’s topic is all around data, where we will be learning  about Fastbridge, early warning indicators, and other types of data. As a reminder, all resources shared can be found in the SIT Building Coordinator Resource Folder for your convenience. Feel free to join us!

Friday, February 19, 2021

Administrators' Desk logo

Curriculum & Instruction

Attn:  Secondary Administrators 

Re: Secondary Module 2 Mandatory Dyslexia Training 

On January 25, secondary ELA and reading teachers had the opportunity to complete Module 2 (out of 3) of the KCKPS/KSDE Mandatory Dyslexia Training through district professional development. 

Attendance/completion for this professional development should be recorded in Frontline by the IDP rep in each individual building after teachers complete the training and the exit slip.   Your building IDP rep will have the attendance for January 25.  Any ELA or Reading teacher who was not able to complete the training during that opportunity, must complete the training asynchronously prior to spring break.  

Frontline and exit slip completion records are used as data for KSDE.   

This is the Canvas link to enroll for Module 2 provides: 

  • Recorded professional learning session for Module 2 
  • Participant Google slides.  These slides must be accessed from the KCKPS Google account and all participants will be asked to make their own copy of the slides in order to take notes and access links during the recorded training session.  There is also a required exit slip (used for attendance/completion) at the end of the training. 

Attn:  Secondary Administrators 

Re:  Secondary ELA

We would like to conduct a mid-year review with administrators for MyPerspectives, the new secondary literacy resource.  This is an anonymous survey that takes about 5-10 minutes.  The Leader Survey will help strengthen support and guide next strategic steps.  Teachers have already had the opportunity to participate in a mid-year review during the January 25th professional learning.  If you have any questions regarding this survey, please contact Kristi Chalk.  

MyPerspectives—Administrator Perspective 

This educational tool is intended for school administrators in their support of teachers using

myPerspectives instruction. This is not an evaluative tool.

Log-in credentials to access materials in myPerspectives

Go to:  Savvas Realize

Username: KansascityKansas

Password: Kansascitydemo1

Checklist for Anti-Biased Curriculum Supplements

On February 4th, the Office of Equity and Inclusion introduced a tool to help administrators and teams analyze supplemental resources and probe discussions with staff. The tool can be found here.  Specific to secondary ELA, this tool would be beneficial as buildings consider their current novel inventories.  

Updates to ELA Cadre Work

The following high school courses have been revised to reflect the updated KSDE 2017 ELA Standards:  Creative Writing, Debate & Forensics.  Links to the pacing guide(s) and all supporting documents can now be found live on the KCKPS website.  

Assessments in MyPerspectives

Savvas Realize integrates content, assessment, and student data. Through Realize Reports, you can view learning data and analytics in real time. You can also set custom mastery levels to drive student achievement. Usage data is available once teachers and students begin using Savvas Realize. Student progress data is available after students complete assignments.  If you are interested in more information regarding Realize Reports, please reach out to Kristi Chalk and Wendy Elkins.  

Topic: Kansas MTSS Education Resource and Initiative Inventory

Audience: ALL School Administrators

Principals- Please review the communication below regarding the Kansas MTSS Initiative Inventory. Information about the Initiative Inventory was shared with you at our January 7th Administrator Meeting.  The following communication is being provided to you to share with your teaching staff. If you have any questions, please contact Matt Andersen (matthew.andersen@kckps.org) and your IIO.

Message to Share

The Kansas City, Kansas Public School District is partnering with the Kansas Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) and Alignments Team to develop a framework that ensures alignment among all of the plans, systems, and initiatives within our district.  As an initial phase in this partnership, district leadership and Kansas MTSS and Alignment District Specialists are sending out the Kansas MTSS Education Resource and Initiative Inventory (KERII). The KERII is designed to determine what is taking place in the district and allows teachers to provide feedback to determine potential inefficiencies or focus areas in the system. Our ultimate goal is to use the data gathered from this inventory to determine what we need to expand within the system while creating a more efficient school district overall. 

What is an initiative?

Initiatives are strategies, programs, and resources that you use or are required to implement. These initiatives could include assessment, curriculum (academic or social-emotional), climate/culture, school improvement, social media, etc. Whether it’s a district, school, or classroom-based initiative, please list any when completing the survey.

Please use this link to access a short informational video on what the KERII is, how the data will be used, and how to complete the survey. When you are ready to begin, please use the following link: https://kerii.kansasmtss.org/. We appreciate your time to take this survey to provide the district with this vital information. 

The KERII survey will be open from Friday, February 12th until Friday, February 26th. 

Audience: ALL School Principals

As many of you are aware, the KCKPS Board of Education voted to approve the state waived 20-hours of professional development. The following dates have been selected to allow buildings the needed time for building- and district-based PD as well as time for teachers/PLCs to plan for instruction and provide necessary feedback to students. To ensure teachers can focus on PD and planning, the designated days will be considered Wednesday Early Release Days.

Wednesday, March 10 (PM 2-hr)
Wednesday, March 24 (PM 3-hr)
Wednesday, March 31 (PM 3-hr)
Wednesday, April 7 (PM 3-hr)
Wednesday, April 14 (PM 3-hr)
Wednesday, April 21 (PM 3-hr)
Wednesday, April 28 (PM 3-hr)

More guidance on the specific timeframes for each level as well as what professional development will be occurring on those dates will be coming out next week. We thank you for your patience and flexibility as we finalize the details.

Federal Programs


Subject:  School Improvement Plans Submitted to KSDE, May 2021

An urgent reminder to make the switch from capturing Building Leadership/PLC Team notes from a Google Doc or Planning Sheet to KansaStar.  In order to make sure all of your AMAZING EFFORTS are captured and shared with KSDE, we need to move everything OUT of these separate sheets and INTO KansaStar!

At the end of this year, each of you will SUBMIT your SIP in KansaStar to KSDE.  Your submitted SIP will impact our District KESA accreditation, as well as our ability to move OFF of state improvement lists and access additional funding set aside for CSI and TSI schools.

Here are the benefits –

  • A written plan provides clarity to all stakeholders – One plan, One effort;
  • A written plan helps keep people grounded and focused on things that are important;
  • A written plan will clarify the most important priorities;
  • A written plan is an essential communication tool;
  • A written plan keeps a team from spending time on tasks that won’t get them closer to their goal.

Here’s HOW to GET STARTED: DO THIS, Not That!

Contact Lisa Walker or Kacie Olson if you need some 1:1 KansaStar/SIP assistance for you, your team, or your process manager.  We’re happy to help!

Audience: Title IX Coordinator Training Scheduled on March 3, 2021

Subject: TIME CHANGE for 3/2/21 Title IX Coordinator Trainings

Due to a scheduling conflict, the March 3, 2021 3rd Quarter Title IX Coordinator training has been moved from 9:30-11:00am to 1:30-3:00pm. 

Zoom link will stay the same; however, please adjust your calendars accordingly.

3/2/2021: 1:30PM – 3:00 PM – Elementary Title IX Coordinator (Wash/Wyan)/Department Director

Human Resources

*The following signage should be posted in your building:

  • Employee Rights/EEOC
  • COVID Related Signage
  • KN, AH, HAE, IC, IJ, JCDAA, JQKA, KMA, KN, CF, DFE, GAAD, GAOC Policy Signage
  • No Smoking Signage
  • COVID-19 Mask and Social Distancing Protocol (This is new.  We are asking that this is printed off and posted at each building location.  Please see attached entitled Mask and Social Distancing Protocol Employee Communication)  Please note that you can find the disciplinary form for this on the KCKPS Administrator’s Guide Website – COVID-19 Section – Under the Mask and Social Distancing Protocols Title

*This is a reminder that the following evaluations were due February 15, 2021:

  • Administrator Evaluation Year
  • Teacher – Year 3
  • Teacher – Evaluation Year
  • Teacher – Off Cycle Evaluation

Please make sure that you get these completed in both iObservation and in TalentEd.  If you have any issues please email Jared Alexander for iObservation and DeAndre Tuggle for TalentEd.

*HR Power Hour

Thank you for attending our HR Power Hour on February 11th.  We would encourage anyone who was able to attend to share with your colleagues that this is an available resource for them.  We will be having our next zoom session February 25, 2020 from 9:30am – 10:30am.  During this time any questions that Building Administrators or IIO’s may have they can ask our HR Staff.  Also, from an HR Standpoint, we will share any announcements or updates we may have.

Topic: HR Power Hour

Time: Feb 25, 2021 09:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 860 5102 9702

Passcode: vMg3eP

Nutritional Services

As the Kansas City, Kansas School district plans to enter the first phase of the re-entry plan, which will bring some of our students facing connectivity issues back into school buildings, we want to inform you of some changes to the Curbside Grab and Go lunch program and delivery service that will allow the district to better align with the students, as they begin to return to in person learning.

Starting on Monday, February 22nd, the Curbside Grab and Go Meals will move to Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. No meals will be served on Wednesday. Parents who have registered to pick up meals will not need to reapply, there will be no changes to locations of pickup, no changes to the hours of operation.

This new plan is the same for those students in-person, those that pick-up, and for those that have meals delivered. The plan:

Monday: Students will receive 1 breakfast and 1 lunch

Tuesday: Students will receive 2 breakfast and 2 lunches

  • This to cover no Wednesday meals

Thursday: Students will receive 1 breakfast and 1 lunch

Friday:  Students will receive 2 breakfast and 2 lunches

  • This is to cover Saturday

Reminder: times of service are 11am-2pm.

Student Services

Trauma Sensitive Tuesday – please share with all staff

We have another great TST coming your way on Tuesday, February 23rd from 12-1pm. This TST will be on empowerment ourselves through effective communication. Crowdcast signup here: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/tst22321

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Administrators' Desk logo


Hello Educator!

This past year has been difficult at best. You and your colleagues have had to transition from your normal teaching practice to remote learning, setting up new lesson plans, devising and recording instructional videos, preparing materials, and finding new ways to check in on and connect with your students. And all of you have done this while juggling the effects of COVID-19 on your family and personal lives as well. You are all frontline heroes. At FOX4, we applaud each and every one of you. To provide you support FOX4 and Bayer have created a weather and science lesson for these trying times.

Beginning in January 2021, we are excited to announce that FOX4 will be delivering its award-winning school program, FOX4 School Day, directly to Kansas City Metro area students at their schools – virtually!

A FOX4 meteorologist will deliver a 30-40-minute interactive presentation focusing on science and weather, hands-on experiments, quiz questions, and a weather Q&A session. The materials will cover severe weather, weather safety, air pressure, how weather affects crops and our food supply, and much more.

We will present the program through Microsoft teams or Zoom. The presentation can be recorded to share with other teachers and schools in your district. Our meteorologists will share a clip of the presentation during newscasts, so please plan accordingly if you have students that cannot be on tv.

And, for teachers, Bayer’s Making Science Make Sense program will provide all supplies and instructions for teachers to implement hands-on STEM experiments for each classroom. The target is 5th graders, but if your 4th and 6th graders are interested in participating in the presentation, please let us know. Once taped, the presentation can be share with all grades and schools.

We are tremendously excited about delivering our new FOX4 School Day program directly to area schools, virtually, and can promise a fun, interactive experience!

What we need:

  • Scheduling: Please complete the questionnaire link at //fox4kc.com/schoolday and provide three dates and times that work best for your entire grade to participate virtually
  • Technology: A teacher or administrator to set up the virtual presentation through Microsoft teams or zoom, adhering to all school district guidelines. Our coordinator will share names and email addresses to invite the FOX4 meteorologist and Bayer representative
  • Hands-on experiments: Provide a physical school address, phone number and the number of supplies needed.

Thank you –

FOX4 Weather Team

Click Here to Register.

Curriculum & Instruction

Topic: Kansas MTSS Education Resource and Initiative Inventory

Audience: ALL School Administrators

Principals- Please review the communication below regarding the Kansas MTSS Initiative Inventory. Information about the Initiative Inventory was shared with you at our January 7th Administrator Meeting.  The following communication is being provided to you to share with your teaching staff. If you have any questions, please contact Matt Andersen (matthew.andersen@kckps.org) and your IIO.

Message to Share

The Kansas City, Kansas Public School District is partnering with the Kansas Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) and Alignments Team to develop a framework that ensures alignment among all of the plans, systems, and initiatives within our district.  As an initial phase in this partnership, district leadership and Kansas MTSS and Alignment District Specialists are sending out the Kansas MTSS Education Resource and Initiative Inventory (KERII). The KERII is designed to determine what is taking place in the district and allows teachers to provide feedback to determine potential inefficiencies or focus areas in the system. Our ultimate goal is to use the data gathered from this inventory to determine what we need to expand within the system while creating a more efficient school district overall. 

What is an initiative?

Initiatives are strategies, programs, and resources that you use or are required to implement. These initiatives could include assessment, curriculum (academic or social-emotional), climate/culture, school improvement, social media, etc. Whether it’s a district, school, or classroom-based initiative, please list any when completing the survey.

Please use this link to access a short informational video on what the KERII is, how the data will be used, and how to complete the survey. When you are ready to begin, please use the following link: https://kerii.kansasmtss.org/. We appreciate your time to take this survey to provide the district with this vital information. 

The KERII survey will be open from Friday, February 12th until Friday, February 26th. 

Audience: ALL School Principals

As many of you are aware, the KCKPS Board of Education voted to approve the state waived 20-hours of professional development. The following dates have been selected to allow buildings the needed time for building- and district-based PD as well as time for teachers/PLCs to plan for instruction and provide necessary feedback to students. To ensure teachers can focus on PD and planning, the designated days will be considered Wednesday Early Release Days.

Wednesday, March 10 (PM 2-hr)
Wednesday, March 24 (PM 3-hr)
Wednesday, March 31 (PM 3-hr)
Wednesday, April 7 (PM 3-hr)
Wednesday, April 14 (PM 3-hr)
Wednesday, April 21 (PM 3-hr)
Wednesday, April 28 (PM 3-hr)

More guidance on the specific timeframes for each level as well as what professional development will be occurring on those dates will be coming out next week. We thank you for your patience and flexibility as we finalize the details.


Diploma+ Newsletter

Diversity & Inclusion

Frequently Asked For Resources
– here is our presentation from Feb 4th to accompany the checklist
Link for easier scheduling (anything you want to do can be scheduled here, ie- planning sessions with E&I, leadership group learning sessions, whole staff learning sessions, department sessions, etc)
Black History Month
​The last week of Black History Month (next week) we thought it would be great to have a day-by-day theme for classrooms and schools to use and have discussions around. We will do this the last week of every celebration month and gear our resources and discussions towards that specific group. This was Read Across America’s idea, we just modified it for our purposes.
Next week’s theme:
Monday (2/22)- Celebrating you, celebrate being Black
Tuesday (2/23)- Take Action, Black Lives Matter at School (https://www.blacklivesmatteratschool.com/)
Wednesday (2/24)- Celebrating Black Voices
Thursday (2/25)- Differing perspectives
Friday (2/26)- Influential Black Americans

Student Services

Please note the new Class III Infraction the Board of Education approved. The online Code of Conduct has been revised to reflect the new Class III Infraction.

Class III –
Unsafe Conditions: Intentionally creating unsafe conditions, including not wearing face or mask coverings and/or not maintaining social  distancing, that put the health and safety of students, staff and other community members at risk, while on school property, during school functions, or at school sponsored activities. 

Please contact the Director of Student Services for any questions or guidance.
Progress Grades: Quarter 3- February 22-26, 2021

The following dates will be dedicated to sending home 3rd Quarter Midpoint Progress Reports:

The grading window for 3rd Quarter progress will open February 15th at 6:30 a.m. and close February 26th at 11:30 p.m.

Friday, February 11, 2021

Administrators' Desk logo


Enough is Enough Community Forum

Click Here to Register.

Curriculum & Instruction

Topic: Kansas MTSS Education Resource and Initiative Inventory

Audience: ALL School Administrators

Principals- Please review the communication below regarding the Kansas MTSS Initiative Inventory. Information about the Initiative Inventory was shared with you at our January 7th Administrator Meeting.  The following communication is being provided to you to share with your teaching staff. If you have any questions, please contact Matt Andersen (matthew.andersen@kckps.org) and your IIO.

Message to Share

The Kansas City, Kansas Public School District is partnering with the Kansas Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) and Alignments Team to develop a framework that ensures alignment among all of the plans, systems, and initiatives within our district.  As an initial phase in this partnership, district leadership and Kansas MTSS and Alignment District Specialists are sending out the Kansas MTSS Education Resource and Initiative Inventory (KERII). The KERII is designed to determine what is taking place in the district and allows teachers to provide feedback to determine potential inefficiencies or focus areas in the system. Our ultimate goal is to use the data gathered from this inventory to determine what we need to expand within the system while creating a more efficient school district overall. 

What is an initiative?

Initiatives are strategies, programs, and resources that you use or are required to implement. These initiatives could include assessment, curriculum (academic or social-emotional), climate/culture, school improvement, social media, etc. Whether it’s a district, school, or classroom-based initiative, please list any when completing the survey.

Please use this link to access a short informational video on what the KERII is, how the data will be used, and how to complete the survey. When you are ready to begin, please use the following link: https://kerii.kansasmtss.org/. We appreciate your time to take this survey to provide the district with this vital information. 

The KERII survey will be open from Friday, February 12th until Friday, February 26th. 

Audience: ALL School Principals

As many of you are aware, the KCKPS Board of Education voted to approve the state waived 20-hours of professional development. The following dates have been selected to allow buildings the needed time for building- and district-based PD as well as time for teachers/PLCs to plan for instruction and provide necessary feedback to students. To ensure teachers can focus on PD and planning, the designated days will be considered Wednesday Early Release Days.

Wednesday, March 10 (PM 2-hr)
Wednesday, March 24 (PM 3-hr)
Wednesday, March 31 (PM 3-hr)
Wednesday, April 7 (PM 3-hr)
Wednesday, April 14 (PM 3-hr)
Wednesday, April 21 (PM 3-hr)
Wednesday, April 28 (PM 3-hr)

More guidance on the specific timeframes for each level as well as what professional development will be occurring on those dates will be coming out next week. We thank you for your patience and flexibility as we finalize the details.


  • Because of certain logistical issues discovered with Interim #2 testing during remote learning, and the overarching desire to continue focusing on high-quality core instruction, KAP Interim #3 will be optional.  Please note that the testing window is March 8-19, but the last week of that window is our Spring Break.
  • In an effort to support the desire for continued data collection that can support high quality instruction, The FastBridge window has been extended to Friday, February 26.
  • Please email your IIO and the DERA Department with your plan for opting into our out of Interim #3 by February 26.  When making your decision, please keep in mind the different purposes of FastBridge, and the KAP Interim Tests.  The primary purpose of the Interim tests is to determine whether or not certain standards have been taught, and also to provide a predicted summative score.  By contrast, FastBridge is primarily a skills-based assessment.  As a screener, it is primarily used for efficient identification of students potentially at risk for not meeting developmentally-appropriate academic and social-emotional outcomes.  It is not a standards-based test.  If you have any questions, please reach out.

Diversity & Inclusion

February Building Recap Meeting Recap

We began to touch the surface of intersectionality. Everyone’s notes can be found here. When we shared out from our groups many groups discussed the intersection of race and gender. One group even discussed the intersection of our identities on forms, “why do I have to check so many boxes?” And speaking of those boxes that we check, can data accurately show how our intersections really impact our day to day life? Other groups even discussed that within an identity there is even a hierarchy, being fairer skin can lead to more privileges in certain aspects. This discussion isn’t finished.

The presentation running stream of our meetings is here. Use anything and everything you want out of here!

March’s Building Rep Agenda

In March we will continue our discussion around Intersectionality.

We will have 2 new questions:

1. Do certain intersections “even” themselves out?

2. Can an area of privilege that intersects with a loss of privilege actually result in a “double” loss? Why or why not?


Monday, March 8, 2021 @ 4pm or

Tuesday, March 9, 2021 @ 7:30 am

April and May’s topics will focus on creating and maintaining psychologically safe spaces.

What We…

  • are reading: Black Magic: What Black Leaders Learned from Trauma and Triumph by Chad Sanders and Minority Leader How to Build Your Future and Make Real Change by Stacey Abrams

  • are watching: American Skin directed by Nate Parker

  • are listening to: Dare to Lead: Brene’ Brown with Aiko Bethea on Creating Transformative Cultures Part 1 and Part 2 


Federal Programs


Subject: We want your feedback on ways to continue the learning!

We loved seeing the tweets, texts, and emails FLYING during the 2021 #ESEAConference!  WOW – what a great opportunity to REFRESH our hearts, minds and souls as we move FULL ON into the 2nd semester of the school year!

If you attended, please take a moment to complete this short ESEA 2021 Conference Feedback Survey so we can get your feedback on how to continue the LEARNING BUZZ!

Human Resources

KCKPS Virtual Interview Day

We are excited to offer our next monthly KCKPS Virtual Interview day which will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2021, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 pm.  This fair has been advertised to those pursuing teaching positions for now or 2021/22 and Paraprofessionals, Instructional Aides, Early Childhood Associates, ESL Aides, and Substitute Teachers. If you can help us interview for 1-2 hours during the fair from the comfort of your office, please contact Eric.Tyler@kckps.org or Aaron.Watkins@kckps.org and we work around your schedule. This is open to Principals and Assistant Principals even if you don’t have a current vacancy.

Student Services

Optional Edgenuity Info Sessions – please share with all building principals, Dean of Students, Recovery Room/ISS monitors, counselors, and social workers in your building. 

Edgenuity has added a social emotional content suite for grades 6-12, information on which can be found here. KCKPS currently utilizes the Edgenuity platform for credit recovery in our high schools. We are exploring options for utilizing the SEL content Edgenuity is offering and would like to offer two optional informational and feedback sessions for building Principals, Dean of Students, Recovery Room/ISS monitors, counselors, and social workers on March 2nd at 9:30am and 3:30pm. During these sessions, ideas for implementation will be presented as well as opportunities to view SEL course content. Each of the optional info sessions will cover the same information. Zoom information is below.

Join Edgenuity Info session:


Meeting ID: 312 161 1730

Passcode: DS6fu5

TASN School Mental Health Initiative Resources – please share with building staff 

Helpful school mental health, trauma, toxic stress and other training information, resources and handouts can be found here.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

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Curriculum & Instruction

Middle and High School Principals and Department Directors

RE: 2021-2022 Proposed Middle and High School Social Studies and World Languages Curricular Resources Sneak Peek

The Curriculum and Instruction Department is providing a sneak peak for all stakeholders (educators, parents, students, community members) of the proposed Middle and High School Social Studies and World Languages curricular resources for the 2021-2022 school year. Stakeholders will be asked to provide feedback about the resources and their implementation. Please click here for more information.

Elementary and Middle School Principals 

RE: Wyandotte County Spelling Bee

The Wyandotte County Spelling Bee was held virtually on February 6, 2021.   Below are the students who placed in the top five.  The champion is eligible to compete at the state level in the Sunflower Spelling Bee on March 27, 2021.   The County Spelling Bee Coordinator, Tracy Cooper, will make contact with the families of the champion and the runner-up to complete the registration for the state level bee.  The first place winner will attend the Sunflower Spelling Bee.  In the event that she is unable to attend,  the opportunity will be extended to the runner-up, who serves as the alternate.

1st place: Riya Ahir – Rosedale Middle School (KCKPS)
(Wyandotte County representative in Sunflower Spelling Bee, March 27)

2nd Place: Bivek Kalikote- Gloria Willis Middle School (KCKPS)
(Alternate for the Sunflower Spelling Bee, March 27)

3rd Place: Juan Ontiveros – Central Middle School (KCKPS)

4th Place: Desmond Campbell- Grant Elementary School (KCKPS)

5th Place: Hailey Jordan – Holy Name of Jesus School (Private)

Congratulations to the students who placed in the Wyandotte County spelling bee, and to all of the building winners, building sponsors and principals who participated in the building and county spelling bees.

Elementary Principals 

RE: CKLA Mid-Year Review

CKLA would like to conduct a mid-year review for KCKPS. It is an anonymous survey that takes less than five minutes. Please consider taking the Leader Survey yourself and passing the Teacher Survey along to teachers (gen ed, SPED, ELL, etc) who work with 4th and 5th grades. This information will also be emailed to instructional coaches. It will be used to help plan CKLA professional learning for the rest of this school year and into next school year. Both surveys will be open until February 17th. Please email allison.rice@kckps.org with any questions.

All Principals

RE: Student-Centered Coaching Reminder

Just a reminder that instructional coaches will participate in Session 5 with Leanna Harris on Thursday, February 11th from 8:30 – 10:00. Principals are highly encouraged to attend.

This session will address these objectives:

  • Learn how to get teachers ready for co-planning and co-teaching

  • Discuss the moves for co-planning and co-teaching in virtual and in person settings

Homework for coaches:

Meeting ID: 831 1835 3973
Passcode: 127033

As a reminder, all information and resources for these sessions is also available in the Canvas course ~ enroll here.


  • Please remember that the FastBridge winter screening window closes on 2/12.
  • Please be sure test security and ethics forms have been signed and completed prior to testing.
  • High Schools Only:
    • Please go ahead and order your Pre-ACT materials from the CCRIS system, if you have not done so already.  Ordering instructions were sent in a forwarded email from Ben, from Lee Jones.
    • Please grant me access to the Validus Online Testing Realm for your building.  ACT/WorkKeys has verified that is the only way I can receive access to your online testing realm for WorkKeys.  If did not receive your email from Jan. 27 containing your log-in instructions for the Validus testing realm, please call ACT/WorkKeys support.
    • As ACT/WorkKeys/Pre-ACT testing windows and dates are approaching, please be sure you are referencing all three websites for KS testing for comprehensive information regarding all phases of these tests, and schedules of events:

ACT:   https://www.act.org/content/act/en/products-and-services/state-and-district-solutions/kansas/the-act.html

WorkKeys: https://www.act.org/content/act/en/products-and-services/state-and-district-solutions/kansas/workkeys-online.html

PreACT: https://www.act.org/content/act/en/products-and-services/state-and-district-solutions/kansas/preact-8-9.html


As we prepare for the 2021-2022 enrollment season, Career and Technical Education (CTE) would like to make sure students, parents, and staff are all informed about the options available at each high school campus. The virtual CTE open house provides an opportunity for all stakeholders to learn about our CTE pathways. Please encourage your FA teachers to share the open house link with students during FA over the coming weeks so they can explore the pathways.

Human Resources

Power Hour

We will be having our next zoom session February 11, 2020 from 9:30am – 10:30am.  During this time any questions that Building Administrators or IIO’s may have they can ask our HR Staff.  Also, from an HR Standpoint, we will share any announcements or updates we may have.  We also have notes available from our last meeting on Thursday, January 28th  here.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 822 8348 1476
Passcode: qR19G0


This is just a reminder that the following evaluations are due February 15, 2021:

*Administrator Evaluation Year
*Teacher – Year 3
*Teacher – Evaluation Year
*Teacher – Off Cycle Evaluation

Please make sure that you get these completed in both iObservation and in TalentEd.  If you have any issues please reach out to Jared Alexander for iObservation and DeAndre Tuggle for TalentEd.

Student Services

Family Advocate day is Friday, and we want to remind all staff that we will continue to provide interpreter support during Family Advocacy scheduled for Friday, February 12. We will be providing interpretation services via over-the-phone. Please share the attached instructions to utilize Propio over-the-phone services with your building staff. This will be active ALL week and no prescheduling is needed to use this resource. We want to highlight that staff can add a Propio interpreter to a Zoom, Skype, or Webinar Meeting (audio only).  Here are the instructions:

How to Add an Interpreter to a Zoom Meeting (Audio Only)

On-Demand (Not Pre-Scheduled)

  1. Launch the Zoom meeting on your desktop so that you can see your parent/student/patient.
  2. Put the Zoom meeting on mute.
  3. Prior to the meeting start time, use your phone to call Propio to connect to an interpreter.
  4. Add the 3rd party: family/student/patient/parent to the meeting (two options):
  • Option 1: Dial them in via 3-way call. With the interpreter on one line, tap “Add call” on your smartphone, call the webinar number, and then tap “Merge” to join the two lines. (On a landline, conference in the 3rd party.)
  • Option 2: Have the interpreter dial-in.* Ask the interpreter to do a 3rd party dial-out to the webinar and provide them dial-in instructions (dial-in number, meeting ID, and passcode). Make sure your original call with the interpreter is placed on hold to maintain billing.

For those staff who filled out the Interpreter Request form for video calls, a confirmation email with the interpreter information will be sent soon. We want to remind you that the deadline to fill out the Interpreter Request form for video calls was Friday, February 5th. However, we kept the google form active and accepted requests until Monday, February 8th, for additional support. We received around 100 requests, and we are excited to announce that all have been assigned to an interpreter. Sending a major THANK YOU to the ESOL/Migrant department for their support.

Thank you so much for all the hard work you and your team do to increase participation during FA. If you, or anyone in your building,  have questions or need additional support, please do not hesitate to contact me:

Naomi Tolentino
Cell:  (913) 568-0147

FAQ OPI Zoom and Scheduling Propio 2020 PDF

Propio – FA Week PDF

2021 Hardship Application

Greeting High School Counselors and Administrators,

I hope this email finds you all doing well. We have now completed the 1st semester of the school year. We all have had challenges and obstacles facing us during this new normal; nevertheless, we have pushed through and are completing our obligations to the best of our abilities.

Here is a copy of the 2021 Hardship Graduation Application. It is very much the same as last year’s application. Please keep in mind that after the student has finished his/her rough draft of the Statement of Extenuating Circumstances, they MUST have it edited by a school staff member such as a teacher, counselor, dean, etc. The staff member editor must print and sign the Statement of Extenuating Circumstances rubric, which is included in the packet.

Due to the many tasks each of us are faced with, great consideration was given to omit some items from the application. The student’s service department determined that all items are essential for the review committee. Although no items were omitted, the deadline has been extended. 

The applications packets are due by Friday, March 12th. Completed application packets can be emailed to laderrick.collins@kckps.org.

If there is any help needed in the process, please feel free to reach out to the student’s service department.